Lynching Beyond Dixie – Michael Pfeifer on the History of Lynching (3/21/13)

4pm on Thursday, March 21
John Jay College, Moot Court (6.68NB) space

John Jay and GC Professor of History Michael Pfeifer and volume contributors William D. Carrigan and Dennis Downey speak about the history of lynching.

Lynching in the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries is typically considered an exclusive problem of the American South. This groundbreaking book of historical essays, edited by John Jay History Professor Michael Pfeifer, focuses on the significant number of lynchings that occurred outside of the South, targeting Hispanics, Caucasians, African Americans, Native Americans, and Asians.

At 4pm on Thursday, March 21st, join Professor Pfeifer and volume contributors William D. Carrigan and Dennis Downey in John Jay’s beautiful new Moot Court (6.68NB) space, as they explore the surprising history of lynching’s true reach. The author’s will discuss their individual contributions – covering the history of lynching in 19th century Michigan, the lynching of Mexicans in pre-statehood Arizona, and a single, infamous event known as the “Delaware Horror” – along with the volume as a whole, and answer audience questions on this dark chapter of America’s past.

This event is free of charge and open to the public. Please RSVP to [email protected] and [email protected].

You can find out more about the book and purchase it here:

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