CFP: Prison Studies Annual Graduate Student Conference – March 28, 2014

Call for Papers

Carceral States: Rethinking Police, Prisons, and Criminal Justice

The Fourth Annual Graduate Student Conference
Hosted By
The Prison Studies Group
March 28, 2014

Graduate students are invited to submit proposals for The Prison Studies Group’s fourth annual interdisciplinary graduate student conference to take place at The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, on March 28, 2014. This year’s conference is entitled “Carceral States: Rethinking Police, Prisons, and Criminal Justice.”

The aim of the conference is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for emerging scholars whose research relates to the prison and criminal/juvenile justice systems. We welcome papers from across academic fields, and we encourage submissions on a broad range of subjects on the general theme of rethinking crime and punishment – past and present, local and (inter/trans)national.

This year’s conference theme urges scholars to rethink and expand our understanding of carceral states and to reimagine criminal justice. As such, topics might include, but are not limited to:

  • historic roads not taken in policing, prisons, criminal justice;
  • experiments with alternative forms or models of criminal justice;
  • different visions or philosophies of criminal justice;
  • gender and criminal justice;
  • sexuality and criminal justice;
  • juvenile/youth justice;
  • disability and/or mental health and criminal justice;
  • immigration and detention;
  • the environment and criminal justice.

Presentations will be 12-15 minutes long, with time reserved after each panel of presentations for Q&A.

Graduate students interested in participating should submit the following as an email attachment (.doc/x or .pdf) by Friday, January, 16 2014 to [email protected]:

  • paper abstract not exceeding 300 words;
  • name as it should appear in the program;
  • graduate program in which student is enrolled (school, department, and degree in progress);
  • brief bio (50-100 words) to be read as an introduction at the conference;
  • an indication of any a/v needs such as powerpoint, DVD, video, etc.

Participants will be notified by by early February.

Here is a .pdf version of the CFP. Please forward widely!

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