Check out this raw and powerful multidisciplinary project (photo, book, blog, interview, lecture, video) that documents the conditions and treatment of juvenile detention in the United States. Through photographs, interviews, video, lecture, and blog posts, Juvenile In Justice allows us to see and hear the experiences of incarcerated youth in facilities across the country.
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24 Hours in Juvenile Isolation

SHARELL—Beautiful hands. Age 17. Has a 10 month old son. Found out she was pregnant when she got here-BRIDGES-Spofford) Was transferred to SHU in Horizons. Gave birth in the hospital. She was there with two female couselors and her Dad there. Babys name is CHASE. I see Chase every Thursday. He is living with his Dads mother. He will be moving to my Mother in a month. I don’t see Chase’s Dad. No he is not my boyfriend. Chases Dad is in prison for attempted murder awaiting sentencing. Nobody in HS told me anything about protection. I only went to the classes I likes in HS. Pottery, Photography, Science, Spanish. Mom is a substance abuse counselor in ARC. Dad lives with Mother. Dad is on disability. Sharell likes to read. Likes school. Writes, lots of poems. Room is VERY decorated and a corner room. She has been here a while. 16 months. Complicated she goes to court again in two weks. He was fifteen when charges were brought. Gang member, double murder and dismemberment. “Queen of the Bloods” She was 15 when crime was alleged, 16 when Chase was born.